A What seems to be the problem?
B Your secretary seems to think she is being harassed.
A What? You've got to be kidding me!
B I wish I were, but i am deadly serious. She said you invited her to dinner last week.
A Of course I did. As recongnition for a job well done. Once a month I invite the most productive employee to dinner.
B Well, there is no problem there. But she seemed to think that you were angry when she refused, and that your motives are personal and not professional.
A I think she's misinterpreted my intentions. What happens now?
B Our harassment policy requires that we have a meeting with the HR manager and Miss Brown. It's quite serious. You could be reprimanded, or even fired if we find evidence that you were pressuring.
A I understand that. But I hope that we can get to the bottom of this and show Miss Brown that she misunderstood my reaction.
B That's the purpose of the meeting. Sometimes a mediated conversation will straighten things out, and a little discussion and apology can calm the waters.